Entrepreneurial Journey
"Knowledge is power," said Ms. Janine Eballe, our speaker in the "Startup Journey" Lecture Series 2. Her journey as an entrepreneur was like a mountain; the more she climbs, the more she challenges her patience and enthusiasm in business. Furthermore, she was having fun giving her experience and advice to the students. We are motivated and admire her efforts to develop her business, J Consultare. I was astounded by her experience since she discovered her life's ambition while travelling to her ideal place. I realized that starting a business requires more than just planning and building; we must also cultivate qualities in order to succeed. Time, patience, effort, courage, perseverance, and other qualities are required. We can't build our business if we're afraid to fail.
Starting a business requires time and a lengthy road to success. Even though we face numerous challenges, if our passion is as great as we desire, it will bear the sweetest fruit as a mark of our accomplishment. On the other hand, Ms. Janine was not alone in establishing her business; she had companions to assist and support her in achieving her goal. Despite the difficulties, a companion who never leaves her side. She also stated, "Surround yourself with people who support you." I believe that having a team to build a dream with us will be the best thing for a business.
My entrepreneurial journey will continue to teach and develop my skills in order for me to be successful someday. I am at the part where I will be pitching our product along with my team. I attended the 3rd Lecture Series, where Ms. Alice Therese Caballeda was our speaker that day. She taught us about the types of products we sell and how to properly prepare for our final pitch. Having fun and virtually sharing ideas with the team helped us form a strong bond, not only as classmates or friends, but also as a trustworthy team. Hopefully, our final pitch will be successful. Moreover, I'm hoping that our product will be used in the future.
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